Love Tears You Apart. But It Is Also Love ….

No doubt, love breaks your heart. Do you know that it is “also and only love” that can heal your broken heart? This is absolutely true provided you give yourself another chance. The right man or woman will come into your life again.

Love turns sour because both parties drift apart. Each partner will not do whatever for each other anymore. Whether it is still within the wedlock or after a divorce, you will eventually find someone who loves you again. These are the true facts of life. You are adult enough to make your own decisions whether to give yourself a second or even a third chance. Be positive and do not shut yourself out!

Listen to this song. Go down below, join our FREE Membership and share your thoughts with others. If you need help, those with “healed and mended” hearts can give you some advice. Otherwise, just contribute your interesting stories for everyone to share. You maybe able to help someone. We need each other in this world!

Lyrics Of Song

Baby, Don’t Look So Sad
Dry Away Your Tears
Things Ain’t That Bad
Leave Behind Those Years

*** It Is Love That Tears You Apart
It’s Also Love That Can Heal Your Broken Heart
Don’t Give Up All Your dreams
You Know What They Mean

It Is Love That Tears You Apart
It’s Only Love That Can Heal Your Broken Heart
Just Be Brave Have No Fear
Dry Away Your Tears ***

Baby, You Were Dreaming
Walk Right On Ahead
You Are Still Living
Only Love Is Dead

*** Chorus ***

All Copyrights © Reserved 2003 Richard HF LEE

Thoughts Of The Composer / Producer

I have been in and out of love. I have finally found the love of my life. We got married and we are very happy being together.

My main aim in this song is to motivate those who are lost in love; and also has fallen out of love. Don’t look back and regret. In this world, there should be no regrets. Whatever wrong anyone does, do not regret. Just make sure you take full responsibility of all your wrong doings! Then you are on the right track!

In my life, I have met many people (some I know very well) who think that they are above others in their intellectual levels. They follow a motto of not doing anything. They believe, big issues will become small issues. And small issues will become no issues. This is not about being intellectual at all. This is about being totally irresponsible! Keeping silent about the truth is not about sorting out things by itself. Unknowingly, they will hurt lots of innocent people by hiding the truth conveniently.

Communication and accepting responsibility are super important in our lives. We are taught all these from very young, starting at home and then, in school.

Be responsible and try to help anyone who needs your help.

Come and share your experiences by joining us as members. Membership is ABSOLUTELY FREE for everybody. We appreciate your contribution of stories and experiences. Care for those who need your help.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Only Love Heals (Full Song)

<bgsound src="Only Love Heals.mp3"></bgsound>

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